for All nations Christ Theological Seminaries/ACTSs


Institute of "for All nations Christ Theological Seminaries"

ACTSs 2021. 9. 6. 19:18

Institute of "for All nations Christ Theological Seminaries"
In the process of fulfilling the covenant of Acts 5:42, Acts 1:8, Matthew 28:18-20, Matthew 24:14, 1 Thessalonians 4:14-8, Revelation 3:12, 21, only the evangelization rate of 5 For All nations Christ Theological Seminaries (ACTSs), the name of this organization, which was established to carry out over a thousand unexplored ethnic evangelization movements and 500 undiscovered ethnic evangelization movements with less than 0.0% of them, was opened. Bible education, theology education, evangelism education, fieldwork for world evangelization through ACTSs in a vision to be built from southern Asia, where there are many 500 un- missionary groups with an evangelization rate of less than 0.0%, to northern Africa and southwest Asia. It is aimed at discipleship reproduction education and church planting education, and its greatest goal is to establish as vital devotees who can penetrate into the field of non-missionary peoples and build a community of Christ.


본 Seminaries는
행5:42, 행1:8, 마28:18~20, 마24:14, 살전4:14~18, 계3:12, 21의 언약성취의 과정 속에서 오직 복음화율 0.1% 미만의 5천여 미개척 종족복음화 운동과 0.0% 미만의 5백여 미선교 종족복음화 운동을 펼치기 위해 세워진 "for All nations Christ Theological Seminaries(ACTSs)"를 개교하게 되었습니다. 복음화율 0.0% 미만의 5백여 미선교 종족들이 많이 존재하고 있는 남부아시아를 시작으로 북부아프리카와 서남아시아까지 구축될 비전 속에서 ACTSs를 통하여 세계열방복음화를 위한 성경교육ㆍ신학교육 · 전도교육 · 현장제자 재생산교육 · 교회개척교육을 목적으로 하며 미선교종족현장 속에 파고들어가 그리스도의 공동체를 구축시킬 수 있는 생명력있는 헌신자들로 세우는 것을 최대 목표로 두고 있습니다.